DUAL - 电子商务iOS UI Kit (DUAL — e-commerce iOS UI Kit)

DUAL - 电子商务iOS UI Kit (DUAL — e-commerce iOS UI Kit)插图

DUAL - 电子商务iOS UI Kit (DUAL — e-commerce iOS UI Kit)插图1


DUAL是一个为电子商务设计的iOS UI工具包,它包含了70多个屏幕,分为两个类别(用户流)。


DUAL is an iOS UI Kit designed for e-commerce, that contains over 70 screens grouped in 2 categories (user flows).

You can easily customize the UI Kit to adhere to your project's requirements by making changes to the character, color styles & components, that apply globally and ensure a consistent look.

With a minimalist & clean design, DUAL focuses on functionality and follows e-commerce system conventions. It can be used as a starting point for developing your next project that will deliver a seamless shopping experience.

