Sosio-社会应用移动UI工具包 (Sosio- Social Application Mobile UI Kit)

Sosio-社会应用移动UI工具包 (Sosio- Social Application Mobile UI Kit)插图

Sosio-社会应用移动UI工具包 (Sosio- Social Application Mobile UI Kit)插图1

Sosio-社会应用移动UI工具包 (Sosio- Social Application Mobile UI Kit)插图2

Sosio-社会应用移动UI工具包 (Sosio- Social Application Mobile UI Kit)插图3

Sosio-社会应用移动UI工具包 (Sosio- Social Application Mobile UI Kit)插图4

Sosio-社会应用移动UI工具包 (Sosio- Social Application Mobile UI Kit)插图5

Sosio-社会应用移动UI工具包 (Sosio- Social Application Mobile UI Kit)插图6

Sosio-社会应用移动UI工具包 (Sosio- Social Application Mobile UI Kit)插图7


Sosio UI Kit包括31个以上的应用程序屏幕,其中有一些时髦的有用的组件,你可以用来获取灵感并加快你的设计工作流程。这个UI工具包是社交应用程序的一个出色的解决方案。这个工具包100%兼容iOS和Android系统。该文件包括所有最新的功能。 



The Sosio UI Kit includes 31+ app screens with trendy useful components that you can use for inspiration and speed up your design workflow. This UI kit is a brilliant solution for Social apps. This kit is 100% compatible with iOS & Android system. The file includes all the latest features. 

This UI kit is ready to use for your next project!

