双重身份验证移动应用程序 UI 套件(Two-Factor Authentication Mobile App UI Kit)

双重身份验证移动应用程序 UI 套件(Two-Factor Authentication Mobile App UI Kit)插图双重身份验证移动应用程序 UI 套件(Two-Factor Authentication Mobile App UI Kit)插图1


我设计了双重身份验证移动应用程序 UI 工具包,
1. 100% 可缩放向量2。完全分层和有组织的3。易于更改颜色样式4。与 Sketch、Adobe XD 和 Figma5 兼容。图片:Unsplash,Pexels


Hai Friends,
I have designed Two-Factor Authentication Mobile App UI Kit,
Thank you for viewing my design and showing interest in it.
1. 100% Scalable Vectors2. Fully Layered & Organized3. Easy to change color style4. Compatible with Sketch, Adobe XD and Figma5. Image: Unsplash, Pexels

