合作登陆页面探索(Co-working Landing Page Exploration)
你好,Creatives 🔥 这是我最近为 Co-working Landing Page Exploration 进行的探索设计。希望你们会喜欢它。让我知道你对此的看法。随时欢迎您的反馈和赞赏👍🏽 您是否正在寻找设计仪表板、网站或移动应用程序的人?我在这里为您提供帮助,请随时与我联系 contact@pixeleton.com
Hello, Creatives 🔥 Here is my recent exploration design for the Co-working Landing Page Exploration. Hope you guys will like it. Let me know your thoughts on that. Your feedback and appreciation are always welcome 👍🏽 Are you looking for someone to design your dashboard, website, or Mobile App? I'm here to help you, Feel free to contact me at contact@pixeleton.com