新提要 - 社交应用的移动 UI(6 New Feed - Mobile UI for Social App)

新提要 - 社交应用的移动 UI(6 New Feed - Mobile UI for Social App)插图


6 个用于社交应用程序的移动屏幕,带有时尚有用的组件,您可以使用这些组件来激发灵感并加快您的设计工作流程。所有图层和符号都被整齐地分组、命名和组织。它还包含如何自定义颜色、字体和样式的详细说明。 
兼容 Sketch、XD 和无花果


6 mobile screens for Social app with trendy useful components that you can use for inspiration and speed up your design workflow. All layers and symbols are neatly grouped, named and organized. It also contains detailed instruction how to customize colors, fonts and styles. 
Compatible with Sketch, XD & Figma

