入职和注册 UI 工具包(Onboarding and Sign Up UI Kit)

Onboarding and Sign Up UI Kit


创建入职屏幕、登录、注册、忘记电子邮件、OTP 屏幕可能很糟糕。您必须一遍又一遍地重复相同的设计,这似乎很无聊。好了,不再向您展示这个入职和注册 UI 工具包。有 20 多个屏幕,从入职、注册、登录、otp、隐私政策甚至条款和条件屏幕。


Creating Onboarding Screens, Login, Signups, Forgot Emails, Otp Screens can be awful. You have to repeat the same designs over and over again which seems quite boring. Well not anymore, presenting you this Onboarding and Sign Up UI Kit. There are 20+ Screens ranging from onboarding, sign up, login, otp, privacy policy and even terms & conditions screens.
Download and start creating your app. Cheers!

