教育应用程序的学习进度(Learning progress for educational app)


如果您想重新设计应用程序以跟踪您在私人课程中的学习进度,该怎么办。我们 Uptech 接受了这一挑战并为此创建了一个概念。
还有一个有趣的部分 - 一个操作按钮,用于与您的个人讲师开始音频或视频通话。
你会更愿意通过这种游戏化和个性化来学习数学吗? 🤔
在 Uptech 使用 ❤️ 制作。
查看我们在 Dribbble、Behance、Github、Medium 上的更多作品。


Hello, Dribbblers!
What if you'd want to re-design the app to track your learning progress in the private course. We at Uptech took this challenge and created a concept for this.
On the main screen you can see your current strike, the number of goals (tasks) completed and progress over the last week.Below you can see the modules and the progress inside each of them.
Chat support and general modules description help you keep track of where you are.
And an interesting part - an action button to start an audio or video call with your personal lecturer.
Would you be more willing to study math with such gamification and personalization? 🤔
Made with ❤️ at Uptech.
Check out more our works on Dribbble, Behance, Github, Medium.

