活动移动应用程序(Event Mobile App)

活动移动应用程序(Event Mobile App)插图



Hello, Take a look on this design?????.

Now a days many show are organized and we heard but in many reason

we cannot buy show ticket or any other excuses we face. I try to finding

the solution here is a event finding mobile app, And it have a modern look.

Since most of us stuck at home, and most of event is canceled, but this app

can make a community and give update about every show near or fear you.

Hope you like it.

Press L for show love.

Do you have any freelance project?

Contact : muraddc0@gmail.com

My Other Portfolios :

Behance-- https://www.behance.net/muradhossain1996

Uplabs-- https://www.uplabs.com/muradhossain

