金融移动应用(Finance mobile app)

金融移动应用(Finance mobile app)插图

金融移动应用(Finance mobile app)插图1



Hey all,
One of my favorite directions and most projects are under NDA, but anyway, I am working on cool concepts to share with you, just a part of the inspiration I grab from those projects.
Imagine a universal payment eco-system where everything is in its place. Moreover, you can manage payment dates as you wish.
I am pleased to show you just one of the middle concepts which I made for my client.
Press L to support me, and for the most active user, I will make something special ^^
Guys, you know what to do!

Design — Figma
Illustrations — Illustrator
Animation — AE

? I am open to new projects! hey@migulko.cz

Instagram | Linkedin | AE+Sketch templates

