神奇宝贝围棋图标(Pokémon Go icons)

Pokémon Go icons


Pokémon Go 还很出色时,我制作了这些图标。这个想法是为地图应用程序和网站的创建者提供图标。你知道,就像那些随处可见的众包地图。它们被设计为与 Material Design 系统图标配合得很好,因为这些图标已经被广泛使用。


I made these icons when Pokémon Go was still a phenomenal thing. The idea was to make icons available to creators of mapping apps and websites. You know, like those crowdsourced maps that cropped up everywhere. They're designed to go well with Material Design system icons since those are already widely used.
You can buy the whole set here or get individual icons via the Noun Project.
I encountered a technical issue with its release, hence the delay. But hey, whatever. Better late than never. Let's just say this is for the community of trainers still out there.

