响应式实体图标(Responsive Solid Icons)

响应式实体图标(Responsive Solid Icons)插图


“响应式图标”系列的最后一个刚刚到货。如果您已经拥有 Line 版本 (http://crtv.mk/elJW) 或 Flat 版本 (http://crtv.mk/fn3s),那么您已经知道会得到什么。那是 100 个不同的图标概念,具有 3 个不同的大小和样式版本,每个版本都包含不同数量的细节。那是 300 个符号!

图标是根据 3 种不同的网格尺寸设计的:16x16、32x32 和 64x64,每一种都具有不同数量的细节。它们被制作成矢量形状,因此根据您自己的需要缩放它们不是问题。只需确保保持双打的级数(128×128、256×356...),以获得超级清晰的外观。


— 数量:100 个图标* 每个图标 3 个版本 = 300 个图标。 — 格式:AI、EPS、SVG、PSD — 尺寸:16×16px、32×32px、64×64px

对于那些想要拥有 3 种样式(实心、线条和扁平)的完整包的人我已经为此创建了折扣产品:http://crtv.mk/inWx


The last one from the “Responsive Icons” series has just arrived. If you already own the Line version (http://crtv.mk/elJW) or the Flat version (http://crtv.mk/fn3s), you already know what you'll get. That is 100 distinct icon concepts with 3 different size and style versions, each of them containing various amount of details. That's 300 symbols!

The icons are designed upon 3 different grid sizes: 16x16, 32x32 and 64x64, each of them featuring different amount of details. They are crafted as vector shapes, so scaling them to your own needs is not a problem. Just make sure you keep the progressions of doubles (128×128, 256×356... ) in order to get that super-crisp look.


— Quantity: 100 icons * 3 versions per icons = 300 icons. — Formats: AI, EPS, SVG, PSD — Sizes: 16×16px, 32×32px, 64×64px

For those who want to own the complete pack of 3 styles (Solid, Line and Flat) I've created a discounted product just for that: http://crtv.mk/inWx

