响应式平面图标(Responsive Flat Icons)

响应式平面图标(Responsive Flat Icons)插图


作为响应式图标系列的一部分,第二行是平面版本。如果您已经拥有 Line 版本或 Solid 版本,您知道您将获得什么。那是 100 个不同的图标概念,具有 3 个不同的大小和样式版本,每个版本都包含不同数量的细节。那是 300 个符号!

图标是根据 3 种不同的网格尺寸设计的:16x16、32x32 和 64x64。线宽始终保持不变,2px,这使图标具有超级一致的外观。当然,由于它们被制作成矢量形状,大小不是限制因素。您可以在下一个 Web 或应用程序项目或印刷材料中使用它们。默认配色方案是复古的,但您始终可以通过打开任何矢量文件格式来更改并满足您自己的需要。


— 数量:100 个图标 *每个图标 3 个版本 = 300 个图标。 — 格式:AI、EPS、SVG、PSD — 尺寸:16×16px、32×32px、64×64px

对于那些想要拥有 3 种样式(平面、线条和实心)的完整包的人我'为此创建了一个折扣产品:响应式图标 - 完整包


Second-in-line as part of the Responsive Icons series is the Flat version. If you already own the Line version or Solid version, you know what you'll get. That is 100 distinct icon concepts with 3 different size and style versions, each of them containing various amount of details. That's 300 symbols!

The icons are designed upon 3 different grid sizes: 16x16, 32x32 and 64x64. The line weight always stays the same, 2px, which gives the icons a super-consistent look. Of course, since they are crafted as vector shapes, size is not a limiting factor. You can use them in your next web or app project or in print materials. The default color-scheme is retro-oriented, but you can always change and suit to your own needs by opening any of the vector file-formats.


— Quantity: 100 icons * 3 versions per icons = 300 icons. — Formats: AI, EPS, SVG, PSD — Sizes: 16×16px, 32×32px, 64×64px

For those who want to own the complete pack of 3 styles (Flat, Line and Solid) I've created a discounted product just for that: Responsive Icons – The Complete Pack

