Backspace NFT 网站(Backspace NFT Website)

Backspace NFT WebsiteBackspace NFT 网站(Backspace NFT Website)插图1Backspace NFT 网站(Backspace NFT Website)插图2Backspace NFT 网站(Backspace NFT Website)插图3


大家好!这是我对 NFT 网站的探索。它被称为退格键。您可以查看谁是艺术家是赢家还是输家,查看整个排名,并阅读时间线新闻和更新~



Dribbble - Backspace NFT 网站(Backspace NFT Website)插图4


Instagram - Backspace NFT 网站(Backspace NFT Website)插图5https://www.

Twitter - Backspace NFT 网站(Backspace NFT Website)插图6 /wisnulandak

电子邮件 - Backspace NFT 网站(Backspace NFT Website)插图


Hi, guys! Here's my exploration of the NFT Website. It's called Backspace. You can see who's an artist was a gainer or loser, see the whole ranking, and read the timeline news & updates~


Another portfolio:

Dribbble - Backspace NFT 网站(Backspace NFT Website)插图4


Do you want to hire me? Here's my contact:

Instagram - Backspace NFT 网站(Backspace NFT Website)插图5

Twitter - Backspace NFT 网站(Backspace NFT Website)插图6

Email - Backspace NFT 网站(Backspace NFT Website)插图

