汽车维修网站改版 |网站用户界面 |登陆页面(Car Maintenance website redesign | website ui ux | Landing page)

Car Maintenance website redesign | website ui ux | Landing page汽车维修网站改版 |网站用户界面 |登陆页面(Car Maintenance website redesign | website ui ux | Landing page)插图1汽车维修网站改版 |网站用户界面 |登陆页面(Car Maintenance website redesign | website ui ux | Landing page)插图2汽车维修网站改版 |网站用户界面 |登陆页面(Car Maintenance website redesign | website ui ux | Landing page)插图3汽车维修网站改版 |网站用户界面 |登陆页面(Car Maintenance website redesign | website ui ux | Landing page)插图4



汽车维修网站改版 |网站用户界面 |登陆页面(Car Maintenance website redesign | website ui ux | Landing page)插图5NuAuto 是一家位于美国的汽车维修中心以及换油、换胎、刹车片或传动问题,他们有训练有素的技术人员能够提供帮助,他们修理各种汽车,还提供在线客户服务,让您可以随时随地获得帮助。这就是为什么他们必须通过使用网站来维护他们的公司。然后是我(汽车维修网站改版 |网站用户界面 |登陆页面(Car Maintenance website redesign | website ui ux | Landing page)插图6Sharif Mollah)和我的同事汽车维修网站改版 |网站用户界面 |登陆页面(Car Maintenance website redesign | website ui ux | Landing page)插图7 Istiak 对现有网站进行了重新设计 汽车维修网站改版 |网站用户界面 |登陆页面(Car Maintenance website redesign | website ui ux | Landing page)插图8NuAuto


字体: Conthrax + Montserrat;



蓝色:蓝色让人想起平静或宁静的感觉。它通常被描述为和平、宁静、安全和有序。蓝色通常被视为稳定和可靠的标志。想要树立安全形象的企业通常在其广告和营销工作中使用蓝色。报告称,蓝色在全球色彩流行度数据中占比稳定在 8%,仅次于白色、黑色、银色和灰色等中性色。

红色: 红色 最受关注和与强烈的情绪有关,例如爱、激情和愤怒。它是象征力量、力量、勇气和危险的通用颜色。红色充满活力、刺激和令人兴奋,与性欲和食欲增加密切相关


About this project:

汽车维修网站改版 |网站用户界面 |登陆页面(Car Maintenance website redesign | website ui ux | Landing page)插图5NuAuto is a US-based car repair center and oil changes, tire rotations, brake pads, or transmission problems, they got trained technicians who are able to help, and they repair all kinds of cars and also provide online customer care service so that you can get help from anywhere and any place. That's why they have to maintain their company by using a website. Then me(汽车维修网站改版 |网站用户界面 |登陆页面(Car Maintenance website redesign | website ui ux | Landing page)插图6Sharif Mollah) and my co-worker汽车维修网站改版 |网站用户界面 |登陆页面(Car Maintenance website redesign | website ui ux | Landing page)插图9 Istiak did this redesign for the existing website 汽车维修网站改版 |网站用户界面 |登陆页面(Car Maintenance website redesign | website ui ux | Landing page)插图5NuAuto

Color and Font

Font: Conthrax + Montserrat;

Color: Blue and Red

Color psychology:

Blue: Blue calls to mind feelings of calmness or serenity. It is often described as peaceful, tranquil, secure, and orderly. Blue is often seen as a sign of stability and reliability. Businesses that want to project an image of security often utilize blue in their advertising and marketing efforts. Holding a steady 8% of the total global color popularity data, blue was second to neutrals such as white, black, silver, and gray, the report said

Red: Red attracts the most attention and is associated with strong emotions, such as love, passion, and anger. It's the universal color to signify strength, power, courage, and danger. Red is vibrant, stimulating, and exciting with a strong link to sexuality and increased appetites

