2021年的网页设计和UI趋势(Web Design and UI Trends for 2021)

2021年的网页设计和UI趋势(Web Design and UI Trends for 2021)插图

2021年的网页设计和UI趋势(Web Design and UI Trends for 2021)插图1

2021年的网页设计和UI趋势(Web Design and UI Trends for 2021)插图2

2021年的网页设计和UI趋势(Web Design and UI Trends for 2021)插图3

2021年的网页设计和UI趋势(Web Design and UI Trends for 2021)插图4

2021年的网页设计和UI趋势(Web Design and UI Trends for 2021)插图5

2021年的网页设计和UI趋势(Web Design and UI Trends for 2021)插图6



Jumpstart new projects and website redesigns with a few of the hottest elements in design for 2021. These trending styles are sure to help you create in a way that’ modern, fresh and perfect for the new year.

Read more on Designmodo: https://designmodo.com/web-design-trends-2021/

Watch a video about new trends on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ag716MJg7EM

Many of the trends that are emerging are extensions of things we predicted (and saw in 2020) – dark mode, breaking typography rules, artistic illustrations, color, layering, and more.

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