加密货币应用探索(Cryptocurreny App Exploration)
你好运球者!今天你在做什么?从我今天的一系列不同类型的应用程序设计探索中,我参与了 Cryptocurrency App Exploration。有任何反馈吗?随时分享,我们将非常感谢您的反馈 :-) 如果您喜欢拍摄,请不要忘记按“L”<3
适用于自由分享,在Sobujdattabd@gmail.com 打个招呼| | Skype- llive:sobujdattabd
Hello Dribbblers! What are you doing today? From my series of different type of app design exploration today I am with Cryptocurrency App Exploration. Have any feedback? feel free to share, your feedback will be highly appreciated :-) If you like to shot don't forget to press "L" <3
Available for freelance share, Say hi at Sobujdattabd@gmail.com | | Skype- llive:sobujdattabd