Jobly - 找工作的应用程序UI KIT (Jobly - Job Finder App UI KIT)

Jobly - 找工作的应用程序UI KIT (Jobly - Job Finder App UI KIT)插图

Jobly - 找工作的应用程序UI KIT (Jobly - Job Finder App UI KIT)插图1

Jobly - 找工作的应用程序UI KIT (Jobly - Job Finder App UI KIT)插图2

Jobly - 找工作的应用程序UI KIT (Jobly - Job Finder App UI KIT)插图3

Jobly - 找工作的应用程序UI KIT (Jobly - Job Finder App UI KIT)插图4

Jobly - 找工作的应用程序UI KIT (Jobly - Job Finder App UI KIT)插图5


UI Kit是基于潮流和简洁的设计,也适合和易于完全定制,并且Ui Kit是基于figma、sketch和XD的。 同时,屏幕从开始到结束的流程都是原型设计。


Zoobers is a Premium and High-Quality for job finder in application and can make job post. UI Kit with 690 high-quality screens and easy to use in Figma, Sketchapp and XD.

The UI Kit is bulid based on trend and clean design also suitable and easy to fully customize, and Ui Kit based on figma, sketch, and XD . Also the screen is prototyping from the beginning to the end of the flow

Thank you for you purchase 🤩

