30个3D航运物流图标 (30 3D Shipping Logistics Icons)

30个3D航运物流图标 (30 3D Shipping Logistics Icons)插图

30个3D航运物流图标 (30 3D Shipping Logistics Icons)插图1

30个3D航运物流图标 (30 3D Shipping Logistics Icons)插图2

30个3D航运物流图标 (30 3D Shipping Logistics Icons)插图3

30个3D航运物流图标 (30 3D Shipping Logistics Icons)插图4

30个3D航运物流图标 (30 3D Shipping Logistics Icons)插图5

30个3D航运物流图标 (30 3D Shipping Logistics Icons)插图6

30个3D航运物流图标 (30 3D Shipping Logistics Icons)插图7


TL;DR: 30个3D交付和物流图标。针对特定行业,完全可定制。4种格式。
包括的格式。Blender, Figma, PNG, PSD
"我喜欢这些图标,特别是因为它们被组织和命名,这样你就不必到处寻找你想使用的图标。"- 米歇尔-洛克(michellellc
"这些都很好!种类繁多,组织得非常好。"- ktaylor310
"真的很棒的图像--超级甜蜜和吸引人,非常适合我想要的东西。我喜欢它们有多种图像类型,而且非常容易使用。"- Thefulljenny


Wish to let everyone know about your speedy delivery and well-oiled logistics system? With the right icons, you get to show off every step of the way. Introducing the 30 3D Delivery And Logistics Icon Set.

From shipping options to timely delivery, this unique set perfectly shows what great logistics is all about. Best of all, the icons are 100% customizable. Enjoy!

TL;DR: 30 3D delivery and logistics icons. Niche-specific, fully customizable. 4 formats.

Formats included: Blender, Figma, PNG, PSD

Icons you’re getting:

package (order), free shipping, paid shipping, standard shipping, express shipping, delivery map, international shipping, local shipping, ETA, ETD, in transit, supply chain, find package, minimum order, maximum order, delivery schedule, priority, timely delivery, late delivery, return package, supplier, consumer, distribution, courier, warehouse, package location, delivery truck, cargo ship, freight train, cargo aircraft

Why choose our icons?

Icon structure: Each file format in its own folder for your ease of use.

Attention to detail: Every icon is perfect down to a single pixel. We double-check that.

Customer Support: If you face any type of problem, we’ll help fast.

Our customers say:

“I love these icons, especially because they are organized and named so that you don't have to dig around to find the one you want to use.” - michellellc

“These are great! Wide variety and very well organized.” - ktaylor310

“Really great images - super sweet and appealing and perfect for what I wanted. I love that they come in multiple image types and are so easy to use.” - thefulljenny

