Jobify - 求职者SaaS网站 (Jobify - Job Seeker SaaS Website)
Jobify是一个求职者Saas网站的UI工具包,有49++个高质量的屏幕,并以干净,整洁和现代的设计易于使用。有Adobe XD,Figma,Sketch文件。在平板电脑和手机预览中准备好了响应性
Jobify is a Job Seeker Saas Website UI Kit with 49++ high-quality screens and is easy to use with clean, neat, and modern design. Available in Adobe XD,Figma,Sketch file. Ready responsive in Tablet & Mobile Preview
This UI Kit is easy to use and free to customize for your needs in any kind of related project. Jobify supports you with free font, pixel-perfect design, support organized layer, global style guide, consistent design with dynamic components.
Thank you for purchasing our UI Kit! 😉