Doctor Appointment - 预订医生的应用程序 (Doctor Appointment - Booking Doctor Apps)
OverviewDoctor Appointment 是那些希望构建相关医疗保健行业特定产品的人的理想平台。通过使用此 UI 工具包,开发过程将得到简化,最终平台将具有视觉上令人愉悦且用户友好的设计。 UI Kit 包括响应式设计和设计系统等功能,这将有助于创建一致且易于使用的平台。
此外,该套件与 Figma 兼容,并且具有组织良好的层和组。它还包括 90 多个可自定义的屏幕和包含字体和颜色信息的样式指南。
购买或下载 Hoomiw 后,请务必查看包含的亮点以了解包含的内容。亮点 100+ 移动屏幕 100% 易于定制组织的屏幕、层和组件样式指南免费字体 - Eudoxus SansLight 和 Dark 版本格式 99.5 MB in1 文件
OverviewDoctor Appointment is an ideal platform for those looking to build a relevant healthcare industry-specific product. With the use of this UI Kit, the development process will be streamlined and the resulting platform will have a visually pleasing and user-friendly design. The UI Kit includes features such as responsive design and a design system, which will help in creating a consistent and easy-to-use platform.
Additionally, the kit is compatible with Figma and has well-organized layers and groups. It also includes over 90 customizable screens and a style guide with information on fonts and colors.
After purchasing or downloading the Hoomiw, be sure to review the included highlights to see what's included.Highlights100+ Mobile Screens 100% Easy to CustomizeOrganized Screens, Layer, and ComponentsStyle GuidelinesFree Font - Eudoxus SansLight & Dark VersionFormat99.5 MB in1 File