Weatheryx - 天气预报 3D 图标包 (Weatheryx - Weather Forecasts 3D Icons Pack)

Weatheryx - 天气预报 3D 图标包 (Weatheryx - Weather Forecasts 3D Icons Pack)插图

Weatheryx - 天气预报 3D 图标包 (Weatheryx - Weather Forecasts 3D Icons Pack)插图1

Weatheryx - 天气预报 3D 图标包 (Weatheryx - Weather Forecasts 3D Icons Pack)插图2

Weatheryx - 天气预报 3D 图标包 (Weatheryx - Weather Forecasts 3D Icons Pack)插图3

Weatheryx - 天气预报 3D 图标包 (Weatheryx - Weather Forecasts 3D Icons Pack)插图4

Weatheryx - 天气预报 3D 图标包 (Weatheryx - Weather Forecasts 3D Icons Pack)插图5


概述天气预报 3D 图标集设计需求、动画、游戏、应用程序、Ui 设计、网页设计、演示、传单或海报、社交媒体广告、内容创建者、登陆页面、应用程序、演示文稿和其他项目。
• 47 个 PNG 文件 3000px
• 1 个 Blender 文件,其中排列有 47 个集合
• 1 个 Figma 文件
您有任何问题或建议吗?请在下面发表评论。亮点47个对象高分辨率可编辑对象和材质准备渲染Blender和PNG文件3000x3000px格式658.7 MB in1文件


OverviewWeather Forecasts 3D Icons Set for design need, animation, game, apps, Ui Design, web design, Presentation, flyer or poster, social media advertising, content creator, landing pages, apps, presentations and other projects.

What's inside:

• 47 PNG Files 3000px

• 1 Blender File with 47 collections arranged in it

• 1 Figma File

Do you have any questions or suggestions? Please comment below.Highlights47 ObjectsHigh ResolutionEditable Objects and MaterialsReady to RenderBlender and PNG Files3000x3000pxFormat658.7 MB in1 File

