Corecast - 播客应用程序 UI 工具包 (Corecast - Podcast App UI Kit)
概述Cocast 是一款播客移动应用程序。主屏幕、播客详情、发现、浏览等功能有多种变体风格。该 Figma 文件包含 42 个屏幕。
快抓住它! Chersss!!!亮点 40+ 屏幕包含 Figma 文件世界级 UI 设计分层且组织良好专业且现代色彩丰富且有趣格式 121.5 MB in1 文件
OverviewCocast is a mobile app for podcasts. There are many variant styles of the home screen, podcast details, discover, browse, and other features. This Figma file includes 42 screens.
The design was fun, It's high flexibility to customize and fully documented.
Grab it fast! Chersss!!!Highlights40+ ScreensFigma Files IncludedWorld Class UI DesignLayered & Well OrganizedProfessional and ModernColorfull and FunFormat121.5 MB in1 File