Filllo 珠宝店应用程序 UI 工具包 (Filllo Jewellery Shop App UI Kit)
概述Filllo 珠宝店应用程序 UI 套件是一个 83+ 屏幕套件,专为创建令人惊叹的珠宝购物应用程序而设计。凭借像素完美的设计以及深色和浅色版本,可以轻松自定义并为您的应用创建独特的外观。全自动布局和组织良好的图层使导航和添加设计变得容易。该应用程序具有易于使用的滑动和浏览界面,用于探索黄金、钻石和宝石设计。 Filllo 珠宝店 UI 套件具有 100% 可编辑和可定制的功能,是构建您的珠宝店应用程序的完美选择。亮点 83+ 应用程序屏幕深色和浅色版本像素完美设计带样式指南的全自动布局精心组织的图层100% 可编辑和可定制格式109.1 MB in1 文件
OverviewFilllo Jewellery Shop App UI Kit is an 83+ screen kit designed for creating stunning jewellery shopping apps. With pixel-perfect design and both dark and light versions, it's easy to customize and create a unique look for your app. The full auto layout and well-organized layers make navigating and adding your designs easy. The app features an easy-to-use swipe-and-browse interface for exploring gold, diamonds, and gemstone designs. With 100% editable and customizable features, the Filllo Jewellery Shop UI Kit is the perfect choice for building your jewellery shop app.Highlights83+ App ScreensDark and Light VersionsPixel Perfect DesignFully Auto Layout with Style GuideWell Organized Layers100% Editable & Customizable Format109.1 MB in1 File