礼品点应用程序 UI 工具包 (Gift Point App UI Kit)

礼品点应用程序 UI 工具包 (Gift Point App UI Kit)插图

礼品点应用程序 UI 工具包 (Gift Point App UI Kit)插图1

礼品点应用程序 UI 工具包 (Gift Point App UI Kit)插图2

礼品点应用程序 UI 工具包 (Gift Point App UI Kit)插图3

礼品点应用程序 UI 工具包 (Gift Point App UI Kit)插图4

礼品点应用程序 UI 工具包 (Gift Point App UI Kit)插图5

礼品点应用程序 UI 工具包 (Gift Point App UI Kit)插图6

礼品点应用程序 UI 工具包 (Gift Point App UI Kit)插图7


OverviewGiftPoint 是电子商务应用程序 UI 套件,是一个综合套件,可为您的电子商务应用程序提供 50 多个应用程序屏幕。它有浅色和深色版本,使其成为设计师的多功能选择。该套件的设计具有像素完美的精度,确保每个元素都完美对齐。
此外,它采用全自动布局和全局样式指南来确保整个应用程序的一致性。组织良好的图层可以轻松查找和编辑特定元素。移动屏幕 (375px X 812px) 可供使用并准备启动您的设计过程。
最后,UI 套件是 100% 可定制和可编辑的,允许您根据自己的需求进行定制。无论您是刚刚起步还是经验丰富的设计师,GiftPoint App UI Kit 都是您下一个电子商务项目的绝佳选择。
- 45+ 手机尺寸的屏幕设计。 (深色和浅色模式)
- 套件的 Figma 文件。
-2 模式主题
谢谢!亮点像素完美设计全自动布局基于组件明暗模式全局样式指南100% 可编辑和可定制10.3 MB in1 文件


OverviewGiftPoint is E-commerce App UI Kit is a comprehensive kit that provides over 50 app screens for your e-commerce app. It comes in light and dark versions, making it a versatile choice for designers. The kit is designed with pixel-perfect precision, ensuring that every element is perfectly aligned.

Additionally, it employs a full auto layout and a global style guide to ensure consistency throughout the app. The well-organized layers make it easy to find and edit specific elements. Mobile Screen (375px X 812px) ready to use and ready to kickstart your design process.

Finally, the UI Kit is 100% customizable and editable, allowing you to tailor it to your needs. Whether you are just starting out or are a seasoned designer, GiftPoint App UI Kit is an excellent choice for your next e-commerce project.

You will get:

- 45 + Screens design in Mobile size. (dark & light mode)

- Figma files of the kit.

-2 Mode themes

Thank you!HighlightsPixel Perfect DesignFully Auto LayoutComponent BasedLight & Dark ModeGlobal Style Guide100% Editable & Customizable10.3 MB in1 File

