木村显示屏 (Kimura Display)

木村显示屏 (Kimura Display)插图

木村显示屏 (Kimura Display)插图1

木村显示屏 (Kimura Display)插图2

木村显示屏 (Kimura Display)插图3

木村显示屏 (Kimura Display)插图4

木村显示屏 (Kimura Display)插图5


概要木村是斜摆型,玩弄勇敢的感觉。垂直线和水平线之间形成对比的形状使其看起来像标题文本或徽标一样坚固。 Kimura 有两种粗细可供选择:粗体、超粗体和轮廓版本。亮点OTF 和 TTF FontWeb FontPerfect 适用于标题和徽标标点符号和数字多语言支持大纲版本 Font1.5 MB in1 文件


OverviewKimura is an oblique display type that plays with the feeling of bravery. With a shape that contrasts between vertical and horizontal lines makes it look solid as header text or logo. Kimura is available in two weights: bold, ultra bold and an outline version.HighlightsOTF & TTF FontWeb FontPerfect for Titles and LogoPunctuations & NumbersMultilingual SupportOutline Version Font1.5 MB in1 File

