Qoorant - 新闻门户移动应用程序 UI 工具包 (Qoorant - News Portal Mobile Apps UI Kit)
概述Qoorant 是新闻门户移动应用程序 UI 套件,具有干净、整洁和现代的设计。 Qoorant UI Kit 包含 40 多个高质量屏幕,并且在 Figma 中易于使用。
Qoorant UI Kit 适合且易于完全定制以满足您的需求。 Qoorant UI 套件为您提供层次分明、组织良好的设计、像素完美的设计、免费的令人惊叹的字体和支持组件,让一切变得更轻松。亮点 40+ 高品质屏幕轻松定制像素完美组织层免费字体样式指南包含格式 30.5 MB in1 文件
OverviewQoorant is news portal mobile app UI Kit with clean, neat, and modern design. Qoorant UI Kit contains 40+ high-quality screens and easy use in Figma.
Qoorant UI Kit is suitable and easy to fully customize to fits your needs. Qoorant UI kit gives you well layered and organized design, pixel perfect design, free amazing font, and supporting components to make it easier.Highlights40+ High-Quality ScreensEasy CustomizablePixel PerfectOrganized LayersFree Font Styleguide IncludedFormat30.5 MB in1 File