智能同步应用程序 UI 工具包 (SmartSync App UI Kit)
概述具有智能手表交互功能的智能家居应用程序为用户提供了一种方便且创新的方式来自动化和控制他们的家庭。 SmartSync 是一款智能家居移动应用程序和手表应用程序,旨在操作通过同一互联网连接连接的多个家庭设备。
该文件包括使用 250 多个更新的、完全响应式和自适应组件设计的移动屏幕和智能手表屏幕。
我们真诚地希望您喜欢它。如果您有任何疑问或要求,请发送电子邮件至 Pixoticcreation@gmail.com。亮点 25+ 高品质移动屏幕 15+ 智能手表屏幕 易于定制 使用免费 Google 字体 组织层 用户友好的现代布局格式 14.2 MB in1 文件
Overviewa Smart home app with smart watch interaction offers users a convenient and innovative way to automate and control their homes. SmartSync is a smart home mobile app and watch app designed to operate multiple devices of home connected via same internet connection.
This file includes mobile screens and smart watch screens designed using 250+ updated, fully responsive and adaptive components.
We really hope you enjoy it. Please send us an email at Pixoticcreation@gmail.com if you have any inquiries or requests.Highlights25+ High-Quality mobile Screens15+ Smart Watch screensEasily customizableFree Google Font UsedOrganized LayersUser Friendly Modern LayoutFormat14.2 MB in1 File