Snap Services - 多供应商应用程序用户界面套件 (Snap Services - Multi vendor App Ui Kit)
概述多供应商服务应用程序是一个在线平台,可将客户与提供各种服务的一系列服务提供商联系起来。此类应用程序允许用户浏览和搜索他们需要的服务,根据价格、评级和评论比较供应商,并选择最能满足他们需求的服务。服务提供商可以通过该应用程序注册并提供服务,从而扩大影响范围并赢得新客户。该应用程序可以涵盖各种服务,例如家庭服务、美容保健、专业服务等等。多供应商服务应用程序为客户和供应商提供便利和可访问性,为所有相关方创造双赢的局面。亮点服务服务提供商预订服务服务分析付款订单格式17.1 MB in1 文件
OverviewA multi-vendor services app is an online platform that connects customers with a range of service providers offering various services. This type of app allows users to browse and search for the services they need, compare vendors based on price, ratings, and reviews, and select the one that best meets their needs. Service providers can sign up and offer their services through the app, allowing them to expand their reach and gain new customers. The app can cover various services, such as home services, beauty and wellness, professional services, and much more. A multi-vendor services app provides convenience and accessibility to both customers and vendors, creating a win-win situation for all parties involved.HighlightsServices services providerbooking services services analyticsPayments orders Format17.1 MB in1 File