Edulake - 在线课程App设计

Edulake - 在线课程App设计插图

Edulake - 在线课程App设计插图1


Edulake移动应用UI Kit是一个教育应用,专注于改善在线学习课程的体验。这个UI Kit包括35个移动屏幕,可以随时使用,帮助你加快设计过程。
每个屏幕都是完全可定制的,特别容易使用,并在Sketch、XD和Figma中精心分层和分组。这是您为iPhone 11快速制作原型、设计和开发任何iOS或Android应用程序所需要的。


Edulake mobile app UI Kit is an educational app focused on improving the experience of learning courses online. This UI Kit includes 35 mobile screens ready to use and help you for faster design process.

Each screen is fully customizable, exceptionally easy to use and carefully layered and grouped in Sketch, XD & Figma. It's all you need for quick prototype, design and develops any iOS or Android app for iPhone 11.

