赛博朋克NFT市场(Cyberpunk NFT Marketplace)

赛博朋克NFT市场(Cyberpunk NFT Marketplace)插图

赛博朋克NFT市场(Cyberpunk NFT Marketplace)插图1



Hello ?

I play many games these days, and Cyberpunk's unique concept really spark my interest. And I think it would be nice if Cyberpunk community start to create their own NFT Marketplace. Imagine how big the hype that would be received.

And this is the design that i create based on that. What do you think?

Feel free to leave feedback and don't forget to press (L) and don't forget to follow @Plainthing Studio dribbble account to get lots of awesome illustrations and animations


Wanna collaborate with us? Shoot your business inquiry to plainthingstudio@gmail.com

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