AYCON网站 - 移动版(!AYCON Website - Mobile)

AYCON网站 - 移动版(!AYCON Website - Mobile)插图

AYCON网站 - 移动版(!AYCON Website - Mobile)插图1

AYCON网站 - 移动版(!AYCON Website - Mobile)插图2

AYCON网站 - 移动版(!AYCON Website - Mobile)插图3

AYCON网站 - 移动版(!AYCON Website - Mobile)插图4


我们有幸为!AYCON完成了一个新的网站。Ulvi AYDIN,生于1960年,是一位获奖的高级执行临时经理、咨询委员会、企业和企业家开发人员、XING内部人士和书籍作者。

a href="https://www.behance.net/gallery/128650689/AYCON-Website" rel="nofollow noreferrer">完整的Behance案例研究

a href="https://www.behance.net/gallery/128650689/AYCON-Website" rel="nofollow noreferrer">Live Website !AYCON

UX/UI设计师 - Alexander Ivanov

创意指导 - Gleb Podorozhnyy

图形设计 - Rafael Fagulha

内容策略 - Corbinian Buchberger

Webflow开发人员 - Artem Kopytok


我们是 Creative Mules 一个独立数字工作室。用设计解决商业挑战。我们专注于建立不仅看起来不错,而且能解决您的核心业务目标的项目。为您的数字和实体产品设计以客户为中心的体验。


给CM工作室一个关注。Instagram / Linkedin / Facebook / Behance


We had the pleasure of completing a new website for !AYCON. Ulvi AYDIN, born in 1960, is an award-winning premium executive interim manager, advisory board, corporate and entrepreneur developer, XING insider and book author.

Full Behance Case Study 

Live Website !AYCON

UX/UI Designer - Alexander Ivanov

Creative Direction - Gleb Podorozhnyy

Graphic Design - Rafael Fagulha

Content Strategy - Corbinian Buchberger 

Webflow Developer - Artem Kopytok


We are Creative Mules 
An independent digital studio. Solving business challenges with design. We focus on building projects that not only look good, but also address your core business goals. Designing customer-focused experiences for your digital and physical products.

Check us out at www.creativemules.com

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