


你好,Dribbblers,分享一个个人财务经理应用程序仪表板的概念设计。我今天试图创造一些不同的东西,玩玩布局,因为我把主要的导航放在底部,还试图玩玩信用卡布局。请分享你对导航位置和信用卡布局操作的反馈。我喜欢你的反馈,也欢迎你的批评。我们可以制作新的项目- mrtawsif777@gmail.com


Hello Dribbblers, Sharing a concept design for personal finance manager app dashboard. I tried to create something different today and play with the layout as I put the main nav in the bottom and also tried to play with credit card layout . Please share you feedback this manipulation of the navigation position and credit card layout. I will love your feedback and your criticism will also be welcomed. We are available for crafting new projects- mrtawsif777@gmail.com

