RDF052 - 布局网格探索#2(RDF052 - Layout Grid Explorations #2)

RDF052 - 布局网格探索#2(RDF052 - Layout Grid Explorations #2)插图

RDF052 - 布局网格探索#2(RDF052 - Layout Grid Explorations #2)插图1

RDF052 - 布局网格探索#2(RDF052 - Layout Grid Explorations #2)插图2

RDF052 - 布局网格探索#2(RDF052 - Layout Grid Explorations #2)插图3

RDF052 - 布局网格探索#2(RDF052 - Layout Grid Explorations #2)插图4

RDF052 - 布局网格探索#2(RDF052 - Layout Grid Explorations #2)插图5

RDF052 - 布局网格探索#2(RDF052 - Layout Grid Explorations #2)插图6

RDF052 - 布局网格探索#2(RDF052 - Layout Grid Explorations #2)插图7



布局探索的重点是颜色和b&w搭配,其灵感来自制作人Damu The Fudgemunk的Fun, Unexpected & Limited Edition版本,由华盛顿同胞MC Flex Mathews在2011年发行

Freestyle 此处

照片由WashingtonPost & Medium.com

Typography PP Pangram Sans & Radio Grotesk by PangramPangram and also Old London by Dieter Steffmann

Much love for Redefinition Records

Behance| Linkedin| Instagram



Layout explorations focused on colors and b&w match, which inspired by Fun, Unexpected & Limited Edition release from producer Damu The Fudgemunk, featuring fellow Washingtonian, MC Flex Mathews in 2011

Freestyle here

Photo by WashingtonPost & Medium.com

Typography PP Pangram Sans & Radio Grotesk by PangramPangram and also Old London by Dieter Steffmann

Much love for Redefinition Records

Behance | Linkedin | Instagram

