车队管理,工作时间轴(Fleet management, jobs timeline)

车队管理,工作时间轴(Fleet management, jobs timeline)插图

车队管理,工作时间轴(Fleet management, jobs timeline)插图1

车队管理,工作时间轴(Fleet management, jobs timeline)插图2



很高兴与大家分享我前段时间一直在做的一个巨大的远程信息处理项目的另一部分。 这是一个模块,它将工作信息与车辆位置和状态同步,以创建一个无缝的工作流程。它具有多种读取信息的方式,而时间轴视图最适合于跟踪实时时间表,并对迟到或错过的工作做出反应。




Hello everyone,

Excited to share with you another part of a huge telematics project I've been working on some time ago.  It is a module that synchronizes job information with vehicle position and status to create a seamless jobs' workflow. It features several ways to read information and timeline view is  best for tracking live schedules and reacting to late or missed  jobs.

You are welcome to drop me a line at hello@paryhin.com if you are seeking a product designer or just want to chat about Squid Game ?.

