✨ 新Raycast网站!(✨ New Raycast website!)

✨ 新Raycast网站!(✨ New Raycast website!)插图

✨ 新Raycast网站!(✨ New Raycast website!)插图1

✨ 新Raycast网站!(✨ New Raycast website!)插图2

✨ 新Raycast网站!(✨ New Raycast website!)插图3

✨ 新Raycast网站!(✨ New Raycast website!)插图4


新的 Raycast 网站问好

我们一直在努力争取公开推出 Raycast 商店和开发人员 API 以创建自定义扩展。我们还非常兴奋地宣布我们已经筹集了1500万美元的A轮融资


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Say hello to the new Raycast website!

We've been working hard towards the public launch of the Raycast Store and developer API to create custom Extensions. We're also super excited to announce we have raised $15 million in Series A funding.

Browse new pages for the Raycast Store, Developers, and learn more about Pricing plans for Teams coming soon.

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We're hiring! Take a look at a bunch of open roles for Designers and Engineers.

