阿瓦里奥登陆页的插图(Illustration for Awario landing page)

阿瓦里奥登陆页的插图(Illustration for Awario landing page)插图

阿瓦里奥登陆页的插图(Illustration for Awario landing page)插图1

阿瓦里奥登陆页的插图(Illustration for Awario landing page)插图2


Awario在平台上找到每一个提到你的关键词,并将它们放在你的Mentions Feed中。该工具从视频的标题、描述、评论和Vimeo的社区帖子中收集这些提及。


Awario finds every mention of your keywords on the platform and puts them in your Mentions Feed. The tool gathers these mentions from videos’ titles, descriptions, comments, and community posts on Vimeo.

