Hoki Mobile Wireframe Kit (Hoki Mobile Wireframe K

Hoki Mobile Wireframe Kit (Hoki Mobile Wireframe K插图

Hoki Mobile Wireframe Kit (Hoki Mobile Wireframe K插图1


Hoki Wireframe是一个由80个屏幕组成的集合,为iOS准则精心制作,分为8个流行的内容类别,包括。  
Hoki Wireframe是基于一个符号库系统创建的,它可以帮助你更容易和更快地进行设计。 
Hoki Wireframe可以在Sketch和Figma中使用。


Hoki Wireframe is a collection of 80 screens made with care for iOS guidelines and divided into 8 popular content categories include:
User Profile, Shopping cart, Maps and Tracking, Log in & Sign up, Walkthrough, Date Picker & Alarm, Menu, Searching & Result, Form & Button

Hoki Wireframe is create base on a symbol library system that will help you design easier and faster.
Hoki Wireframe work in Sketch & Figma

