用户体验现场指南的线框图 (Wireframes by UX Field Guides)

用户体验现场指南的线框图 (Wireframes by UX Field Guides)插图

用户体验现场指南的线框图 (Wireframes by UX Field Guides)插图1

用户体验现场指南的线框图 (Wireframes by UX Field Guides)插图2

用户体验现场指南的线框图 (Wireframes by UX Field Guides)插图3

用户体验现场指南的线框图 (Wireframes by UX Field Guides)插图4

用户体验现场指南的线框图 (Wireframes by UX Field Guides)插图5


概述用于在 Figma 中创建中等保真度线框的最快、最有效的设计系统。快速生成解决用户体验问题的线框图,而不会迷失在用户界面的细节中。提供松散且协作的线框,风格和品牌完全中性,但看起来仍然很棒。
Figma 文件包含 24 个原子级组件,每个组件都有强大的变体、属性和覆盖来构建更大的组件和布局,15 种精心设置的文本样式,15 种颜色样式,2 种适用于桌面和移动屏幕的网格样式,以及我们的完整文本有效线框的 5 条原则 - 该套件构建的原则。亮点快速有效基于 UX 原则强大的组件中性风格完美的保真度Figma ReadyFormat960.1 kB in1 文件


OverviewThe fastest and most effective design system for creating mid-fidelity wireframes in Figma. Quickly produce wireframes that solve UX problems without getting lost in the details of the UI. Deliver wireframes that feel loose and collaborative, are completely neutral in style and brand—and yet, still look great.

This is not a collection of screens or pre-designed layouts. This is a powerful system of atom-level components, text, color and grid styles for you to use to solution your own unique UX problems—suitable for the design of any type of digital interface.

The Figma file contains 24 atom-level components, each with robust variants, properties and overrides to build bigger components and layouts, 15 carefully set text styles, 15 color styles, 2 grid styles for desktop and mobile screens, and the full text of our 5 Principles of Effective Wireframes—the principles that the kit was built on.HighlightsFast and EffectiveBased on UX PrinciplesPowerful ComponentsNeutrally StyledPerfect Level of FidelityFigma ReadyFormat960.1 kB in1 File

