Villasiesta - 酒店及度假村网站模板 (Villasiesta - Hotel & Resort Website Template)
概述如果您喜欢优质、干净、现代、创意的主题以及适合移动设备的方式,VillaSiesta - Hotel & Resort 是完美的网站模板。
它是在 Figma 中设计并在最新的 bootstrap 中开发的。您将获得这两个文件。
- 主页
- 房间列表
- 房间详情
- 饮食(餐饮)
- 水疗与健康
- 婚礼
- 会议和活动
- 套餐
- 画廊
- 最新动态
- 关于我们
- 联系我们
- 常见问题解答
- 新闻(媒体)
- 隐私政策
- 网站地图
- 立即预订
- 订阅时事通讯
- 导航菜单
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如果您有任何疑问,请通过 与我们联系或在下面发表评论。我们总是很乐意提供帮助!
谢谢你! ���亮点 20+ 高级屏幕(设计 + HTML)使用 Figma 和 Bootstrap 构建用户友好、现代和豪华的设计最适合酒店、餐厅、度假村、水疗和健康、婚礼、会议和活动等行业可重复使用的组件您将获得 Figma + HTML 源文件 Format446.1 MB in2 文件
OverviewVillaSiesta - Hotel & Resort is the perfect website template if you like a premium, clean, modern, creative theme with a mobile-friendly approach.
It is designed in Figma and developed in the latest bootstrap. You will get both files.
This template is ideal for hotels, resorts, restaurants, spa & wellness, etc. and those who need an easy, attractive and effective way to share their services with customers. It is flexible, easy to manage, has a clean code structure, and has a customizable and responsive view.
You will get the below pages, including desktop and mobile:
- Home Page
- Room Listing
- Room Detail
- Eat & Drink (Dining)
- Spa & Wellness
- Wedding
- Meeting & Events
- Packages
- Gallery
- What's On
- About Us
- Contact Us
- FAQs
- In the News (Media)
- Privacy Policy
- Sitemap
- Reserve Now
- Subscribe Newsletter
- Navigation Menu
If you have any questions, please get in touch with us at or leave a comment below. We are always happy to help!
Thank you! 🎊Highlights20+ Premium Screens (Design + HTML)Build Using Figma and BootstrapUser Friendly, Modern and Luxury DesignBest for Hotel, Restaurant, Resort, Spa & Wellness, Wedding, Meeting & Events, etc IndustriesReusable ComponentsYou will get Figma + HTML source file Format446.1 MB in2 Files