部门线框套件 (Sections Wireframe Kit)

部门线框套件 (Sections Wireframe Kit)插图

部门线框套件 (Sections Wireframe Kit)插图1


各个部分是由一组由流行类别组成的大屏幕组成的。这个网络用户体验屏幕将帮助你快速创建一个网络服务的原型。你可以用Sketch、Figma、Adobe XD和Photoshop为你的项目轻松定制风格。


Sections is made up of a large set of screens consisting of popular categories. This web UX screens will help you quickly create a prototype for web services. You can easily customize the style for your project with Sketch, Figma, Adobe XD and Photoshop.

