原型iOS线框套件 (Prototype iOS Wireframe Kit)

原型iOS线框套件 (Prototype iOS Wireframe Kit)插图

原型iOS线框套件 (Prototype iOS Wireframe Kit)插图1


Prototype iOS Wireframe Kit是一个由100个高质量屏幕组成的大集合,分为5个流行类别。每个屏幕都是以相同的风格,以舒缓的颜色制作。在创建设计时,使用了字体Apple San Francisco Pro,以及免费的Feather Icons Set。此外,该工具包还有一套100多个UI元素。Prototype iOS Wireframe Kit可以帮助你将你的应用程序原型化,干净整洁,节省时间。


Prototype iOS Wireframe Kit is a large collection of 100 high quality screens that are divided into 5 popular categories. Each screen is made in the same style, in soothing colors. When creating the design used font Apple San Francisco Pro, as well as a free Feather Icons Set. In addition, the kit has a set of 100+ UI elements. Prototype iOS Wireframe Kit helps you to prototype your app clean and neat, saving you time.

