最佳线框套件 (Optimum Wireframe kit)

最佳线框套件 (Optimum Wireframe kit)插图

最佳线框套件 (Optimum Wireframe kit)插图1


用Abode XD构建的最实惠的All-In-One Wireframe Kit 这个Wireframe UI Kit是开始你的下一个项目的完美工具! 无论你是UI/UX设计师、网页设计师、平面设计师,这个线框套件将帮助你通过大量的组件更快、更有效地进行原型设计。凭借Adobe XD的超快速和易于使用的功能,你可以在几分钟内用这些可重复使用的模块和元素把布局和原型组合起来。桌面和移动版本,100+模块块,175+可重复使用。  元素 1170px Bootstrap网格。
包括哪些内容。导航、英雄、内容模块/功能、滑块、标签、手风琴、价格表、评价、投资组合/画廊、团队、博客、联系、表格、注册、进度条、页脚,以及SVG图标,元素。类型字体。Open Sans。谢谢你,现在就开始吧!


The most affordable All-In-One Wireframe Kit built with Abode XD This Wireframe UI Kit is the perfect tool to get started on your next project! Either you're a UI/UX Designer, Web Designer, Graphic Designer, this wireframe kit will help you prototype faster and more efficiently with a huge assortment of components. With Adobe XD's ultra fast and easy to use features, you can put together layouts and prototypes in minutes with these reusable modules and elements. Desktop and Mobile Versions, 100+ Modules Blocks,175+ Reusable. Elements 1170px Bootstrap Grid.
What's Included: Navigations, Heroes, Content Modules / Features, Sliders, Tabs, Accordions, Price Tables, Testimonials, Portfolio / Galleries, Teams, Blogs, Contact, Forms, Registrations, Progress Bars, Footers, & SVG icons, elements. Type Font: Open Sans. Thank you and get started now!

