Covid护理(Covid Care)

Covid Care


我很高兴地宣布,适用于 Android 和 iOS 的 Covid Care UI 工具包模板已准备好并在 Photoshop 和 Adobe XD 中设计。享受吧!请不要忘记点击“L”按钮来表达爱意。 🚀 并关注我 :)
随时与我联系...电子邮件: akshaypadashala143@gmail。 com


I'm happy to announce that the Covid Care UI Kit Template for Android and iOS is ready and Designed in Photoshop and Adobe XD. Enjoy!Please don't forget to show some love by hitting the 'L' button. 🚀 and follow me :)
Feel Free to contact me...Email:

