北欧神话中的 Aegir Hler 或 Gymir 海神与三叉戟吉祥物(Aegir Hler or Gymir God of Sea in Norse Mythology with Trident Mascot)

Aegir Hler or Gymir God of Sea in Norse Mythology with Trident  Mascot


挪威神话中海神 Aegir、Hler 或 Gymir 的吉祥物插图,三叉戟和海浪从前面以黑白复古风格的孤立背景围成圆圈。


Mascot illustration of Aegir, Hler or Gymir God of the sea in Norse mythology with trident and waves splashing viewed from front set in circle on isolated background in black and white retro style.

