哇哦156 个矢量洛蒂动画 (Whoooa! 156 vector Lottie animations)

哇哦156 个矢量洛蒂动画 (Whoooa! 156 vector Lottie animations)插图

哇哦156 个矢量洛蒂动画 (Whoooa! 156 vector Lottie animations)插图1

哇哦156 个矢量洛蒂动画 (Whoooa! 156 vector Lottie animations)插图2

哇哦156 个矢量洛蒂动画 (Whoooa! 156 vector Lottie animations)插图3

哇哦156 个矢量洛蒂动画 (Whoooa! 156 vector Lottie animations)插图4

哇哦156 个矢量洛蒂动画 (Whoooa! 156 vector Lottie animations)插图5


概述一大包 156 个(78 个实体和 78 个轮廓样式)Lottie 动画 + 静态插图。非常适合您的产品(个人和商业),例如网站、登陆页面、Web 应用程序、移动应用程序、社交媒体、演示文稿等。
所有动画都是可编辑的,因此您可以轻松更改颜色,而无需浏览代码甚至源文件。使用 Lottie 编辑器,您可以快速进行细微编辑、更改颜色以及优化和隐藏图层。
提供以下格式:ae、json、ai、sketch、fig、adobe xd、eps、svg、png、jpg
兼容:After Effects、Adobe Illustrator、Sketch、Figma、Adobe XD、Photoshop、Affinity Designer 等。
- 156 个手工制作的 Lottie 动画(2 种不同风格 - 26 个最受欢迎的主题中的 78 个实心动画和 78 个轮廓动画)
- 156 个手工矢量插图(2 种不同风格 - 78 个实体插图和 78 个轮廓插图,涉及 26 个最受欢迎的主题)
- 动画+矢量+光栅格式
- 终身免费更新(包括未来的新动画和插图)
- 个人和商业许可
- 带动画的 Lottie 文件(JSON + After Effects)
- Sketch、Figma、Adobe XD 的模板,用于更改静态插图的颜色
是的,由于 JSON 格式编辑非常简单,您可以对插图执行以下操作:
- 只需单击几下即可更改图层颜色并为您的动画带来新外观,例如您可以使用您的品牌颜色或您可以想象的任何调色板。
- 更改每个动画的帧速率、持续时间、速度、尺寸。
- 隐藏/显示特定场景元素。亮点Lottie 格式矢量格式光栅格式草图模板Figma 模板Adobe XD 模板格式161.4 MB in1 文件


OverviewA huge pack of 156 (78 solid and 78 in outline style) Lottie animations + static illustrations. Ideal for your products (both personal and commercial) such as websites, landing pages, web applications, mobile applications, social media, presentations and more.

All animations are editable, so you can easily change colors without having to go through the code or even to the source files. Using the Lottie editor you can quickly make minor edits, change colors, as well as optimise and hide layers.

Why Lottie?

Animations across your web and app platforms can be a great way to create a positive user experience and engage your audience at a whole new level. However, for engineers, building animations in can be tedious, time-consuming and pricey for your wallet. Also, integrating animations on your websites, web or mobile applications never been easier and it's simply a matter of copy and pasting a code.

Available in the following formats: ae, json, ai, sketch, fig, adobe xd, eps, svg, png, jpg

Compatible with: After Effects, Adobe Illustrator, Sketch, Figma, Adobe XD, Photoshop, Affinity Designer, and more.

You will get:

- 156 handmade Lottie animations (in 2 different styles - 78 solid and 78 outline in 26 most popular subjects)

- 156 handmade vector illustrations (in 2 different styles - 78 solid and 78 outline in 26 most popular subjects)

- Animations + vector + raster formats

- Free lifetime updates (including new animations and illustrations in the future)

- Personal & commercial license

- Lottie files with animations (JSON + After Effects)

- A template for Sketch, Figma, Adobe XD for changing colors on static illustrations

Can I edit animations?

Yes, thanks to JSON format editing is extremely easy and you can perform the following operations on illustrations:

- Change layer colors and give your animation a new look with just a few clicks you can use for example your brand colors or any color palette you can imagine.

- Change the frame rate, duration, speed, dimension of each animation.

- Hide/show particular scene elements.HighlightsLottie formatVector formatRaster formatSketch templateFigma templateAdobe XD templateFormat161.4 MB in1 File

