美丽的粉红色叶子花环(Beautiful pink leaf wreath)

Beautiful pink leaf wreath


这些图像可以以数字方式或印刷方式使用。非常适用于乡村婚礼请柬、现代乡村艺术、标志设计、废料预订、定制请柬、贺卡、贴纸、T 恤、墙壁艺术、按需印刷面料、网页设计以及您能想到的任何其他东西。 (你很有创意,对吧?)

你会得到一个大小为 4000 x 4000 像素的高质量 PNG 文件


These images can be used digitally or in print. Incredibly useful for rustic wedding invitations, modern rustic art, logo designs, scrap booking, custom invitations, greeting cards, stickers, t-shirts, wall art, print-on-demand fabric, web design and anything else you can think of. (You're creative, right?)

You will get a high quality PNG file with a size of 4000 x 4000 pixels

