里奥格兰德大弯国家公园 Río BravoWPA 海报艺术颜色(Big Bend National Park of Rio Grande Río BravoWPA Poster Art Color)

Big Bend National Park of Rio Grande Río BravoWPA Poster Art Color


Big Bend 国家公园的 WPA 海报艺术,这是位于美国德克萨斯州奇瓦瓦沙漠的 Rio Grande Río Bravo 的一个大弯,以工程项目管理或联邦艺术项目风格完成。


WPA poster art of the Big Bend National Park, a large bend in Rio Grande Río Bravo located in Chihuahuan Desert, Texas, United States done in works project administration or federal art project style.

