Brooms - 入职和推荐(灯光模式)(Brooms - Onboarding and Recommendation (Light Mode))

Brooms - Onboarding and Recommendation (Light Mode)Brooms - 入职和推荐(灯光模式)(Brooms - Onboarding and Recommendation (Light Mode))插图1Brooms - 入职和推荐(灯光模式)(Brooms - Onboarding and Recommendation (Light Mode))插图2


这是 Brooms,一个用于 Guesthouse & 的高级 UI 工具包通过移动应用程序预订酒店。该酒店预订移动应用 UI 套件专为旅游应用服务量身定制。它更像是 AirBnb 的替代品。

这是 Brooms 的入职和推荐页面的预览屏幕。用美丽的插图让您等待,并根据推荐找到最佳地点!




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Brooms - 入职和推荐(灯光模式)(Brooms - Onboarding and Recommendation (Light Mode))插图3在此处购买此产品

Brooms - 入职和推荐(灯光模式)(Brooms - Onboarding and Recommendation (Light Mode))插图4我们的产品 | Brooms - 入职和推荐(灯光模式)(Brooms - Onboarding and Recommendation (Light Mode))插图5IG | Brooms - 入职和推荐(灯光模式)(Brooms - Onboarding and Recommendation (Light Mode))插图6FB | Brooms - 入职和推荐(灯光模式)(Brooms - Onboarding and Recommendation (Light Mode))插图7TW



 我们是 Agensip,一家专注于 UI 和 UX 的创意数字机构。请访问我们的网站 Brooms - 入职和推荐(灯光模式)(Brooms - Onboarding and Recommendation (Light Mode))插图 了解更多关于我们的详细信息。请随时通过电子邮件与我们联系 Brooms - 入职和推荐(灯光模式)(Brooms - Onboarding and Recommendation (Light Mode))插图


This is Brooms, a Premium UI Kit for Guesthouse & Hotel reservation via mobile app. This Hotel Booking Mobile App UI Kit is specially tailored for tourism app service. It's more like AirBnb alternative.

This Is the preview screen of the Onboarding and Recommendation page of Brooms. Chill your waiting with beautiful illustration and find the best place based on recommendation!

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Write your comments, I would like to hear your thoughts.


Press L if you like it.


Thank you.

Brooms - 入职和推荐(灯光模式)(Brooms - Onboarding and Recommendation (Light Mode))插图10BUY THIS PRODUCT HERE

Brooms - 入职和推荐(灯光模式)(Brooms - Onboarding and Recommendation (Light Mode))插图4Our Product | Brooms - 入职和推荐(灯光模式)(Brooms - Onboarding and Recommendation (Light Mode))插图5IG | Brooms - 入职和推荐(灯光模式)(Brooms - Onboarding and Recommendation (Light Mode))插图11FB | Brooms - 入职和推荐(灯光模式)(Brooms - Onboarding and Recommendation (Light Mode))插图12TW



 We are Agensip, a creative digital agency focusing on UI and UX stuff. Kindly visit our website at Brooms - 入职和推荐(灯光模式)(Brooms - Onboarding and Recommendation (Light Mode))插图 to see more detail about us. Never hesitate to contact us via email at Brooms - 入职和推荐(灯光模式)(Brooms - Onboarding and Recommendation (Light Mode))插图

