B.Doctor 医疗App设计

B.Doctor 医疗App设计插图

B.Doctor 医疗App设计插图1


B.Doctor是一个简洁、时尚的移动iOS UI工具包,非常适合健康和医生相关的应用。医疗保健包括77个高质量的iOS屏幕模板,用Adobe XD、Sketch和Figma设计。这个现代设计模板很容易定制,使你更容易设计你的下一个应用程序
- 免费提问任何健康问题,获得免费答案
- 寻找医生,可通过以下方式过滤:专业、地点、时间...... 
- 即时支付在线咨询,添加促销活动
- 在线预约...
- 获得宝贵的健康提示,文章,注册健康指南,跟进健康主题...由值得信赖的医生创建。
- 通过医疗记录,在一个地方收集你所有的健康数据。
- 使用药物提醒,再也不会忘记吃药和药片。
- 有10个屏幕的全面登机服务
- 查看您的预约历史
- 与医生通话/视频通话
- 聊天
- 更新个人资料
- 预览医生的资料。 
- 评价,写评论医生
- 搜索,支付药房的费用


B.Doctor is a clean, moden mobile iOS UI kit perfect for health and doctor related applications. Healthcare includes 77+ high quality iOS screen templates designed in Adobe XD, Sketch and Figma. This modern design template is easy to customize, making it even easier for you to design your next app!

There are many advance fuctions in this app:
- Ask a free question about any health issues, get free answers
- Find doctors filter by: speciality, location, time...
- Pay for an online consult instantly, add promotion
- Book an online appointment..

Morever, with B.Doctor you can do:
- Get precious health tips, article, enroll the health guides, follow up health topics... created by trusted doctors.
- Collect all your health data in one place via Medical Record.
- Using Medication Reminder, to never forget to take your meds and pills again.
- Full on boarding with 10 screens
- See history of your booking
- Call/ video call with doctor
- Chat
- Update profile
- Preview doctor's profile,
- Rating, write review doctor
- Searching, paying for pharmacy

...and a lot of awesome things will make your life better and healthy.

We made those illustrations ourselves, SGV files are included and vector icons are put in XD file. All are customizable, scale anysize.

