视觉识别 (uiLogos)

视觉识别 (uiLogos)插图


uiLogos是一个由25个专业设计的标志组成的集合。uiLogos将帮助你在你的演示文稿或模拟图中添加傻瓜式的标志。在文件中,你会发现超过25个标志,我在两个类别 - Logomark和Logotype。每个类别都有两种颜色和黑白的变化。可以根据你的需要轻松地进行定制。
与Sketch, Illustrator兼容


uiLogos is a collection of 25+ professionally designed logos. uiLogos will help you to add dummies logo in you presentation or mockup. In files you will find more than 25 logos i in two categories - Logomark and Logotype. Each categories have two variation color and black & white. Can be easily customisable as per your need.

Compatible with Sketch, Illustrator

